Beginners’ Archery Course – August Sundays 10 am-1 pm

Text contributed by M-L, pics by Pete.

The Deben Archery Club, which offered a free open day for the public in spring that a few IOGers attended, also holds beginners courses at its club meeting spot near Trinity Park – and Pete collected five of us to give it a go. After some confusion, it was established that there would be a choice of three, three-hour sessions from four to be held on consecutive August Sundays, beginning on the 4th; this is followed by a practice session with the club, all at a reasonable £60 per person. They supply the archery equipment and, at the end, we should theoretically be qualified to look at attending their general club nights.

The course is run by nationally qualified coaches and the first class, on the 4th, showed off their teaching skills by being well-structured and varied – it held our interest throughout.

It takes muscles I didn’t know I had, however, and by the end of three hours my bow arm was quivering (see what I did there?) so much I had a new reason for not actually hitting the target very often (Pete’s pics also indicate that I looked like Quasimodo trying to weather a severe storm – the shoulder and muscles in my right arm had gone on strike).  Karen – I add with only mild envy – had the posture of Diana, goddess of hunting, and showed her class. Meanwhile, Toby weathered his own storm at the start of the session – a faulty bow that meant his arrows did not even make contact with the target stand. This was rather hilarious until the instructor tried it and couldn’t hit the stand with that bow either – Toby vindicated!

A lot of fun – and we look forward to what the next session brings.