Text contributed by Glen; pics by Christina
Twenty-seven of us decided that for some reason St Patrick’s Day was best celebrated by a visit to “a homestead on stony ground”, which apparently is what Stanton, a sleepy village in north-west Suffolk, means.
Though we were sprinkled by bouts of hail and rain, fortunately these were very short-lived and we enjoyed some sunshine and spectacular cloudscapes while being airbrushed by an enthusiastic breeze.
For the first circular walk instalment we traversed ancient tracks, passed by Wyken Hall, and then a Buddhist retreat centre, and latterly Stanton Windmill before a drinkstop in the village’s Cock pub.
Seventeen participants ventured out for the post-pub second loop, the highlight of which was the fascinating walk through The Grundle, a sunken lane carved out during the Ice Age leading out from the village, so different from surrounding terrain.