IOG Committee role – Membership Secretary


  • Internet access and email
  • An attention to detail, and consistency throughout the year
  • A good appreciation of data protection legislation, incl. GDPR & DPA
  • The availability throughout the year to respond to new members membership applications within a timely manner and to be able to process all the annual renewals, June – July.
  • Word processing application (e.g. free LibreOffice Writer), with associated skills
  • Spreadsheet application (e.g. free LibreOffice Calc), with associated skills

Role Description

  • Process all submissions of anyone wishing to join the group
    – confirm that a membership form has been fully completed, on paper or online, and the applicant has paid the appropriate membership fee
    – when everything is in order, add the new member to the group mailing list and the optional members-only facebook group, if they have requested it
    – email a response to the new member with all relevant new joiner information
  • Ensure members personal data is secured and restricted so that information is only shared with those who need that data to fulfill their role on behalf of the committee. Enquiries from anyone requesting any personal data, phone numbers or address etc. of other members for purposes such as event organisation are not permitted – that data was not shared with the group for this purpose, and we do not have explicit consent. Event organisers should request all required contact information from participants up-front, when first planning an event. The Membership Secretary may choose to pass on messages with the enquirers own contact details on behalf of other members if they request it, however. The recipient can then choose if they wish to make contact and share their own contact information.
  • Be the primary manager of the group’s mailing list and members-only Facebook group i.e. maintain the members list and ensure it is up to date and all members are current members of the group
  • Organise the annual membership renewal cycle at the end of each IOG membership year (June 30)
    – send out at least three renewal email reminders, first to the whole group and then to every expiring member who has still to renew
    – process all the membership renewals
    – after the end of the year deadline, remove any members who have chosen not to renew their membership from the membership list, the mailing list and the members-only Facebook group
  • Order a batch of personalised IOG membership keytags and deliver them for collection in town, annually.
  • Retrieve any uncollected keytags from the previous year and securely destroy them, so personal data is not compromised
  • Maintain:
    – IOG Membership Form
    – IOG Membership List spreadsheet containing all group members personal information, appropriately secured
    – IOG Membership Key Tag Design (Adobe Illustrator Artwork format. Should need to be modified rarely, if ever.)
  • Attend as many IOG committee meetings as possible through the year, and represent members interests on the committee. Whilst on the committee, lead by example and encourage a positive, healthy group dynamic. Call out and/or report back any inappropriate behaviour on IOG events.
  • Arrange and lead a handover meeting with the successor, when stepping down from the role