The Vice-Chair is a preparatory role for a member volunteering to take over from the Group’s existing Chair. The Vice-Chair role can be used for up to a year by a member to allow them to sit on the Committee to observe the existing Chair before formally transitioning into the Chair role. If, after a whole year, it is decided they will not take over as Chair then it is expected that they would step down from the role, freeing it up for another potential successor to take on. If the Vice-Chair takes over as Chair but still requires some support, the former Chair can switch roles and take over as Vice-Chair in an advisory capacity.
As an intended successor role, the Vice-Chair may assist or stand-in for any of the activities and events that the Chair would typically be involved in e.g. hosting a social meeting. Full responsibility and authority remains with the Chair – as a mandatory Officer of the group according to the IOG Constitution – throughout, however.
Attend as many IOG committee meetings as possible through the year, and represent members interests on the committee. Whilst on the committee, lead by example and encourage a positive, healthy group dynamic. Call out and/or report back any inappropriate behaviour on IOG events.