January 2024: In Other News

Pics contributed by Anni, Ian, Robin and Simon.

A selection of extra (and occasionally quite random) pictures from IOG events during January 2024.

Playford walk, Wednesday 10th January: The obligatory group photo in the sunshine.
Pub social at the Dove, Friday 26th January: Ian eating a pork pie.
Snape and Iken Cliffs walk, Sunday 28th January: Ploughed fields and hazy sunshine.
Snape and Iken Cliffs walk, Sunday 28th January: Henry Moore’s ‘Working Model for Reclining Figure’.
Offton Offering, Wednesday 31st January: A homemade treat for the Wednesday walkers.
Offton Offering, Wednesday 31st January: A sad sight.
Offton Offering, Wednesday 31st January: Into the trees.