Woodbridge Scavenger Hunt – Sunday 16th January

Text contributed by Sarah S., pics by Christina

Around 30 IOG’ers gathered outside Woodbridge Train Station on a bright Sunday afternoon where we were briefed by Paul about the Scavenger Hunt around Woodbridge. We split into teams of mostly five people and had a weblink shared with us which showed photos of all of the locations we needed to find. Simon and I were in a team with Ian, Barry and Angela – quite useful as Barry has lived in Woodbridge for around 30 years!!

This team member seems to have been waiting a while for the pic to be taken.

We had just under two hours to get to as many of the 21 locations as possible and take a photo with one of our team members in it. Recognising several of the locations, we set off and had fun finding them as well as trying not to give clues away to other teams as we encountered them. We realised quite late on that one of the pictures we hadn’t recognised was on the Town Hall on Market Hill. This was quite a distance from the river side where we were collecting some of the last locations before heading to our end point on Kingston Fields for our 3:30pm deadline. However, we decided we had time to rush up there, with the help of Barry’s short cut, and take the photo. We made it back with 1 minute to spare.

Paul checked through all of the team’s photos and counted up the scores. We knew we were two short, as there were two locations we hadn’t recognised. Speaking to another team, they also were missing two. However, they hadn’t realised they didn’t have a photo of one of the locations they had visited, so were actually three short. So, we were announced the winners.

The winning team

After being awarded a small prize of some chocolate coins, Paul suggested that the winning team might like to do another one. I’d had some ideas for a similar event around Ipswich Town Centre a few years ago, which I’m currently working on. Watch out for the announcement of that event…

A great afternoon was had by all. Thanks to Paul and Pauline for all their hard work putting it together.