River Litter Pick – Saturday 25th March

Pic and text contributed by Christina

Peter Thorpeā€™s litter pick on Saturday was the third of its kind, and he could not have chosen a better day for it! Six recycling enthusiasts met him at Stoke Bridge, well equipped with high vis jackets, large bin bags, gloves and grabbers. It may sound sad but we were delighted to find such rich pickings whilst slowly making our way along the river path towards Princess Street Bridge and beyond. It got noted that we always seem to find something excitingly new on these occasions. Near the skate board park, we came across a pair of trainers, and people must have enjoyed a good bottle of red and lots of cans of coke and lager by the river. After about 1.5 hours of industrious activity, our bags became really heavy, and we decided to head back to our starting point where the organiser awaited us with the car to enable us to store the bags in his boot. All in all a succesful and most enjoyable endeavour – and one to be repeated. Thank you Pete for making it happen!