Annual trip to Chappel Beer Festival – Saturday 8th September

Story and pics contributed by organiser Claire.

It was a dull morning that greeted the nine people who had chosen to join me on my annual visit to Chappel Beer Festival. The weather forecast looked grim to say the least. However the rain held off for the entire day. Walkers (and beer tasters) included Andrew (a friend of mine from Ely) and three prospective members (from Poland, Portugal and Kenya) along with Tony, Michelle & Mike and Anne & Lou.

We set off from Colchester main line train station just after 11am and were soon walking across fields and countryside, alongside rivers and around golf courses on this beautiful eight-mile walk. Arriving at the 32nd Chappel Beer Festival just after 2:30pm (held at the East Anglian Railway Museum) we were soon sampling some of the many beers and ciders on offer. It was a well-deserved end to a great walk. Amongst my drinks I tried the aptly named Thirsty Walker brewed by our very own Dove Street Brewery (photo attached). A familiar face joined us at the beer festival in the form of Robin.

There was entertainment as always too: some official entertainment like the Morris dancing which started just after we arrived but I gave that a miss and likewise the ferret racing which attracted a large audience. Some not so official entertainment included the group of guys we met dressed up as Jesters – when asked why, they weren’t sure.

The festival gets busier every year and we were so fortunate to enjoy it seated outside. Thanks to everyone who came along to my event. Raising a glass to you all.