Christina’s Sprightly Spring Stroll – Saturday 23rd March

Test and pics Christina; post script by Hedge the hedgehog

Thanks to all who came along to my walk of around 10 miles this Saturday. 15 of us met at the car park on Illife Way in Stowmarket. Having walked around 7 miles we reached Great Finborough area and its impressive church spire which certainly is a dominant feature in these rural and tranquil parts of Suffolk. We then took in Buxton Church, Great Finborough golf course and Rattlesden River, before heading back to Illife Way car park.

You were great company and easy to navigate around, nobody got left behind. I certainly had a good laugh thanks to Julian and Hedge the hedgehog who we decided to recruit as a new IOG member! Some of us spotted a green woodpecker and the first Peacock this spring, also a couple of hares. There were daffodils everywhere and the woodland area along the river was covered with wild garlic – there was a strong scent of garlic although no blossoms had emerged so far. Not sure what the others thought, but I particularly enjoyed our lunch stop opposite the Chestnut Horse behind Gt Finborough Church and basking in the spring sun. What a wonderful world to be in! 🙂

P.S. Jottings from a new member.

Spring! Wake up and get out there, as we hedgehogs say, so off to try it out.

The IOG, a group of nature lovers meeting today in Stowmarket Asda car park. Greeted by our leader Christina, I discovered I’d forgotten my boots so a generous member agreed to carry me.

Off we set! We smoothly negotiated some hair /prickle raising traffic (the secret seems to be: keep moving!). Out down Christina’s secret green lane, and there it was, spring in all her freshness! Tumbling hares, dipping woodpeckers, sunshine on skin and the blossom. Then lunch.

We sat on a wormy, grassy mound outside the chestnut horse pub. No one else seemed interested so I tucked in. Lots of fat juicy ones. The humans burbled and cackled contentedly.

Then walked back, not merely across but along the road. Then thanks and farewell.

I’ll be back.