Kate’s Colne Valley Walk – Sunday 7th April

Text contributed by M-L; pics M-L & Andy

Twenty of us met up on a lowering Sunday morning for a 10 am departure from Chappel village green – tucked in under the rail viaduct. An impressive structure!

It was a lovely walk of around 13 miles – a bit drizzly for a while in the middle, but nothing to dampen spirits. Much of it followed the Colne River through the Colne River valley – but there were also fields of sheep with their new born lambs and woodlands laced with lime green spring foliage, almost-in-flower bluebells, swathes of wild garlic and anemones, vivid yellow cowslips and everywhere the hawthorn blossom. Fabulous.

The company was great, the leadership exceptional and most of us enjoyed a pint (or two) and a good, rather late lunch in the Swan Inn in Chappel when the walk was over. The open fire was much appreciated. Many thanks to Kate for engineering a joyous day out.