A week in Devon – 17th-24th June

Pics contributed by various; a bit of text by M-L 

Twenty-seven IOGers assembled in Buzzard Barn and Heather Cottage at Blackadon Cottages, Moorhaven in Devon, the third week of June.  This is a self-catering venue so we divided into groups of four and very successfully fed each other every night – with varying degrees of mayhem and calm. I think I can safely say that a good time was had by all – so much so that most of us plan to return to the same place for the same week next year.

Breakfast was lengthy and extensive and then activities dispersed us each day – some walked; some visited National Trust properties or towns like Brixham and Salcombe; some lazed about the house or pottered about on the moor above it; pubs and tea rooms were well attended; fish was not caught. We even had an engagement – congratulations Mike and Michelle!

The weather was a bit iffy for the first couple of days but cleared up to give us some glorious coastal walks and pleasant evenings in the courtyard of our accommodation.

Dinners were a high point, with the teams excelling at their chosen menus – despite trepidation on the part of most before ‘their’ nights: cooking for 27 buddies is not an idle undertaking 🙂 The night that the all-male team cooked will go down as one of the funniest bits of audio theatre I remember: the clatterings, thumpings, mild swearing and occasional crash punctuated by one member stalwartly declaring at regular intervals: “That is outside my skill set”.  Listeners in the living area were in stitches – the final product a triumph!

These pics were taken during Glen’s coastal walk starting from Salcombe, following a circular route along the South West Coast path, then inland and through a lovely woodland area. The group then took the ferry from South Sands to the car park in Salcombe.

Thanks to all concerned who helped to make the week go so well – and I look forward to doing it again next year.